National Geographic Magazine is hosting the 2010 Photography Contest.Browse these 47 images on this link and give us your top three in the comments section.
I will tally the votes at the end and we'll see which ones win first, second and third prize.

After you comment, feel free to explore the Nat Geo photography website itself.  It is a great resource.

National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010 - The Big Picture -

Mr. Erdosy's Choices:
#1:  Photo 2, the Supercell Thunderstorm
#2: Photo 24, incredible exposure shot of a ridge road at night.
#3: Photo 41, very cool!

Don't forget, the winner of
Click on "Open Simulator" on the page that this link brings up.

Your task is to include as many different organisms as you can in sustaining interactions.  If one species has a population of zero at the end of the simulation, start over and see if you can arrange things so all of your species survive the simulation.

If you can use them all, list the set-up that you have in the comments section.  If you cannot, tell us the set-up that got your closest!

Good luck!

The Habitable Planet - Ecology Lab - Overview