The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a massive, circular underground tunnel in Europe that loops through two countries.  Particles are accelerated along the tunnel to speeds approaching the speed of light.  They are then crashed into each other.

The goal of this is to mimic conditions that the Big Bang created, and to see if any new particles are confirmed.  Many particles are thought to exist that we have no evidence for yet.  The LHC is striving to find them and confirm certain hypotheses.  Their number one goal is to confirm or reject the Higgs - Bosun particle.

The actual content of this rap is certified by the scientists at CERN, the team behind building and using the LHC, as being totally accurate.

Enjoy!  No need to comment unless you feel like this rap was totally dope, yo.  

30/10/2010 07:47:49 am

This rap was totally dope, yo!

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