...but there are many, many types of cells that do specialized things.

Using Google, look up some of the differences between Plant and Animal cells.  List as many as you can find.

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Alex dabbs
25/10/2010 07:06:53 am

there are lots of different cells,cells are called Eukaryota but the differences are they are different structures ,unlike animal cells, plant cells have chloroplasts for the utilization of sunlight and this is what also gives plant cells their green color.

25/10/2010 08:04:55 am

Animal cells don't rely on sunlight, plant cells don't need O2 to survive they need Co2. When animals need food water and o2 to survive plant cells do not, Plant cells have chloroplasts,(containing chlorophyll) animal cells do not. Plant cells have a cell wall, animal cells do not.
Both have Chromosomes, a nucleus, transport systems, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuoles and membranes:

Sources: My brother was one of my sources also MacGraw Hill Science.

Samuel Riegels
26/10/2010 07:03:24 am

The diffrence between animal and plant cells are animal cells are a little circular and plant cell is a rectangular shape. A plant cell has a cell wall made of cellulose around it and animal cells does not have a wall around it.plants cells use photosynthesus to get food and animal cell does not. plant cells have a larger vocal then a animal cell.

jude kinkead
26/10/2010 09:44:42 pm

there are many differences between animal and plant cells animal cell is round and a plant cell is rectangular. 2.there cilia an animal cell always has a cilia but it is very rare to find one in a plant cell. 3. animals cells have one or more small vacuoles (much smaller than plant cells)and plant cells usually have one big vacuole that takes up about 90% of its volume. 4. an animal cell doesn't have a cell wall and a plant cell does. 5. plasma membranes an animal cell only has a cell membrane and a plant cell has a cell wall and a cell membrane. 6. one more thing animals cells don't have chloroplasts and plant cells do because they make there own food.

GaBy GorDoN-fOx
27/10/2010 07:42:43 am

1. Animal cells don't have chloroplasts and plant cells have chloroplasts because they make their own food.
2. Animal cells are round (irregular shape) and plant cells are rectangular (fixed shape)
3. Animal cells do not have a cell wall where as plant cells do.

Ryan Wooldridge
27/10/2010 07:43:02 am

Animal cells do not have rigid cell walls like plant cells. This lets animal cells to form and adopt various shapes.plant cells have chloroplasts for the utilization of sunlight and this is what also gives plant cells their green color.Many types of plant cells, particularly in species like conifers and flowering plants, there is an absence of flagellae and centrioles that are found in animal cells.Plant cells are also classified into three types. The parenchyma cells help in storage, photosynthesis-support and other functions and collenchyma cells are only present during the time of maturity and have only a primary wall.

Ryan Wooldridge Thank You

Zanti Dick Read
27/10/2010 08:10:31 am

I do not claim any this i found it on internet i found it on don't give me any credit ( I copied from that website)

Both animal and plant cells have some similar structural elements. First off they are both eukaryotic, which means they have a defined nucleus. The nucleus contains chromosomes. It is protected and surrounded by the cytoplasm, which is a watery or gel-like liquid. Further, animal and plant cells have a cell membrane that surrounds the cell. This allows for the cell to exert control, in most cases, over what can penetrate the cell, and what cannot.

One of the primary differences between animal and plant cells is that plant cells have a cell wall made up of cellulose. This helps the plant cells to allow high pressure to build inside of it, without bursting. A plant cell has to be able to accept large amounts of liquid through osmosis, without being destroyed. An animal cell does not have this cell wall. If you start to fill the animal cell with too much distilled water or other fluid, it will eventually pop.

Plant cells also are different from animal cells because they use photosynthesis to covert sunlight into needed food for the plant. Plant cells have chloroplasts, which has its own DNA, essentially directing the work of the chloroplasts.

Also plant cells, if one could view them under the microscope, appear extremely different than an animal cell because of the presence of a large vacuole, which exists in the cell’s cytoplasm. It usually takes up most of the room in the cell, and the membrane of the cell encircles it. It contains waste materials, water, and nutrients that can be used or secreted as necessary.

Animal cells have small vacuoles and may have numerous ones. They never have the large single vacuole that takes up most of the space in plant cells. As well, under the microscope plant cells often have a more regular shape. Animal cells tend to vary greatly in appearance.

27/10/2010 11:54:40 pm

There are lots of cells animal cells wich do the something as the human cell does. run blood thourgh your body all living things have at laeste one blood cell even plantes have

Hugo Smith
28/10/2010 06:58:01 am

Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells, meaning that they are both complex structures, but there are major differences. Animal cells do not have rigid cell walls unlike plants. This allows the animal cells to form and adopt various shapes. The phagocytic animal cell can even absorb other structures. It is an ability that plant cells do not have. Unlike animals, plant cells have chloroplasts which ables them to use sunlight and which gives plants green colour. The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which allows the plant to do photosynthesis, which is not inherent in animals. Plant cells contain one main vacuole, while animal cells may contain many small ones. Vacuoles are membrane-bound cavities within a cell, often containing a watery liquid or secretion. To communicate between cells, animal cells depend on an analogous system of gap-junctions, while plants utilize linking pores in their cell wall to connect to each other and pass information. In man types of plant cells there is an absence of flagella and centrioles that are found in animal cells. Flagella is a long whiplike outgrowth from a cell that acts as an organ of locomotion, it occurs in some protozoans, gametes, spores, etc. Centrioles are a small, cylindrical cell organelle, seen near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, that divides in perpendicular fashion during mitosis, the new pair of centrioles moving ahead of the spindle to opposite poles of the cell as the cell divides: identical in internal structure to a basal body. Plant cells are classified in three distinct groups: parenchyma cells which help in storage, photosynthesis-support and other functions and collenchyma cells which are only present during the time of maturity in the plant and have only a primary wall. The sclerenchyma cells help in mechanical support. There are 210 distinct types of animal cells in the human body alone. While plant cells turn carbon dioxide into sugar, it is the animal cells that break the sugar back down to carbon dioxide to make energy.

My sources were:

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