The pictures below are of a mammal called an Arctic Fox.  It lives in an extremely cold climate.  During the winter, the fox grows a bright white coat that is very thick.  During the brief summer months, the same foxes shed to a darker, thinner coat.  Why does the fox have a thick, white coat in the winter and a dark, thin coat in the summer?  How did the foxes develop these adaptations?
sam morrell
13/9/2010 06:15:10 am

The Arctic fox sheds and developed's its coat to survive. It developed's the thick coat to keep its self warm and camouflaged. On the other hand it sheds its self to stay cool in the summer. I do not know how it does this but i'am shore it does it to stay alive in the cold winters and cold summers.

alex dabbs
13/9/2010 06:39:13 am

sam i agree with you but its coat is whitecoat is great camaflage and it is had 1000s of years of develop

kerstin Gordon!
13/9/2010 07:25:26 am

The arctic fox sheds a different coat during the different seasons because this is its way of "protecting" it self because in the winter it has a white coat to camaflauge in the winter but during the fall and summer it has a brown looking coat to camaflauge with the rocks and grass. It has these adaptions so it can live a safe life because it is a fairly small animal so it needs extra "protection".

Hugo Smith
13/9/2010 08:04:52 am

I agree with all of you (Sam, Alex, Kerstin)for the fox having white skin in the winter for camouflage. I also think it has white fur to trap in heat(that's why igloos are made of snow). It also might do this so it can sneak up on its prey. Also, the thicker the fur, the more heat it traps in.

I believe the arctic fox sheds its fur in the summer so it can blend in with dark rivers or trees to sneak up on prey or hide from predators.

Jojo Kerins
13/9/2010 09:17:23 am

I think the Arctic Fox has a white coat in the winter so that it can camouflage with the "white" snow in case of any predators walking by with a big apatite. I think the thickness of the coat has something to do with the cold climate and how the more fur the Arctic Fox has, the more warmth it has.

I think that the fox develops a thin, dark coat in the summer so that it doesn't get too warm. Also, it can camouflage with tall trees so it can hide from predators or sneak up on its prey!

I think the foxes developed these adaptations by pure experience and\or trial and error.

Gaby Gordon-Fox
13/9/2010 10:06:11 am

I agree with every one here, yes the arctic fox does have a thick white coat to blend in to the snow in the winter but i think is mainly to stay warm, so that it does not freeze to death! I also agree that they shed there thick white coat in the summer to stay cool and to fit in with its surroundings.

Mikey O'Connell
14/9/2010 05:57:28 am

All of these answers are spot on! The arctic fox has a nice bushy white coat in the winter to be camouflage so it's prey does not see him/her, but also has the coat of fur to survive the freezing cold tundra.The white fur protects the feet from freezing up and let's the fox have the ability of walking very well in the snow. The arctic fox can cover it face with its tail so it's nose doesn't get covered in snow! They turn brownish in the summer so that they can be camouflage, arctic foxes have enemy's too you know!!Their enemy's are the polar bears and the trappers who want their nice fur!!

Ryan Wooldridge
16/9/2010 05:27:13 am

I think that arctic foxes change there coat for 2 reasons 1 because during the winter they try to blend in to the color of the snow so its easier for them to hunt during the winter also so they can blend in so its harder for preditors to find them. 2 is that i believe that there winter coat is warmer for the winter climates.

( I agree with everyone.)

( Thank you for doing this Mr.Erdosy).)

16/9/2010 08:59:51 am

i agree with everyone that the artic fox does shed its fur coat.i think that the reason the fox even changes it coat so it can blen in with the different sesons so it make it easy for the to catch prey and also they do that is so in the diferent seosons to keep them warm so they can survive.there differents color coats makes it easy for them #1 for when they are hunting and for when there are being hunted so there coats practically saves them in life.

Sophie Nicholas :)
17/9/2010 05:50:43 am

I think they have brown fur in the summers cause there fur gets baked in the hot summer sun.I deffinetly agre with T.T about blending in with its back grond catch pray. Also i think that they have a thick coat during winter to keep them warm and a thin coat during summer cause they need to keep cool

Sophie Nicholas :)
17/9/2010 05:51:50 am

And the foxs are so so so so so so so soooooo cute :)

Samuel Riegels
17/9/2010 06:38:44 am

The Artic fox change to white because they can blend in and attack their prey without knowing they are there. They have it to be warm in winter. They have the brown coat because they can be warm in summer and they can also blend. They change so they can get through the hardships of the Artic world.

Zanti Dick-Read :) :)
17/9/2010 07:19:34 am

I think that arctic foxes change skin color for 3 reasons... 1 So that in the winter when food is scarce they can blend into the back round, to get closer to prey. 2 In the arctic foxes need light fur so that they don't sweat out fat( they need it for the winter). 3 Also in the summer the arctic fox needs a brown coat so that it can blend in with the mud filled snow.

I think the arctic fox does this so that it can survive long and cold winters and withstand a short warm summer.

Main Idea

To survive.

17/9/2010 07:31:31 am

I agree with all of you especially Tiara and Zanti (snaps). The foxes probably do use their coats to camaflouge and stuff like that. I think they developed these adaptions because they live in the snow and ice all their lives (hopefully) :), so they know what going to happen so they just follow along with the weather and change their coats.

17/9/2010 09:07:06 am

I think that in the winter they need a big thick coat of fur to keep them warm and in the summer they shed the thick white coat because otherwise they would be too hot. I think the winter coat is white so that the fox can be camoflaged by the snow to catch prey. In the summer the colour is more like the bush and ground. They need to do this to survive otherwise they would freeze in the winter :)

Julia P
17/9/2010 11:17:46 am

I think the foxes have to have the thick white coats to keep warm in the winter and the thin brown ones to keep cool in the summer.

thanks for listening :)

Jewel Hector
17/9/2010 12:33:02 pm

I think the Arctic Foxes change their coat in the winter so it becomes easier to blend in to the environment when it comes time to hunt, I also thinlk they change their coat in the summer because, the ice on the rocks would have melted a bit and then it makes it easier to hunt. To cut a long story short they change their fur for both hunting, and survival reasons. I agree with all the comments above!!!

Jude kinkead
18/9/2010 02:10:45 pm

I think it is mainly to do with being able to camouflage into the surroundings, and also the thickness of the coat will be based on what time of the year it is. So in winter the arctic fox will have a very thick coat, and in the summer it will have a very thin coat. It is an adaptation that has been developed over hundreds of years

Emily Abrehart
19/9/2010 01:27:28 am

i agree with every one and i think that in the winter they have thick coats to keep warm and they are also white so they can camaflague in with the snow, and in the summer they have thin coats to keep cool. They are sssssssssssssoooooooooooo cute.

jaden chalwell
22/9/2010 09:39:50 am

I think the foxs weer big thick coats in the winter to keep them warm and they can camoflage so there pary wont see them and could get it easy and fast and in the summer they were a thin coat of fur so they dont die of heat.

Rikkoi Brathwaite
22/9/2010 12:08:29 pm

i believe the reason why they have the different coats is because the winter coat is to be warm in the winter and to blend into the environment to catch food easier. The summer coat is a lighter coat for the fox to stay cool and also again to blend into the colour of rocks and soil in order to hunt successfully.


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