Watch this video explaining how the Cuckoo bird ensures that its egg is cared for and survives.  How does this adaptation work in the same way as the color of the coats of the Arctic Foxes below?
17/9/2010 03:08:04 am

it is the same way becase they will use there call to help them feed themselves just like the fox uses its oat to hep hem hunt so they are the same by how they hunt

17/9/2010 06:36:13 am

I think that it does this so it doesn't
have to work as hard like the arctic fox
camouflages its self to make hunting easer
for its self, as the cukoo bird doesn't have to look out for its eggs.

Alex Dabbs
17/9/2010 07:32:52 am

It is a bit mean to the other birds because the mother has to feed
something thats bigger than its self.

kerstinn ordon
17/9/2010 11:23:31 am

Well I think that the cukoo bird protects its young by getting fat and stuff so that it is to fat to fit in its nest
and then nothing will
move it or bother it. I think that these adaptions work because it is sort of camoflauged in the reeds and nothing will see it or the babay

Hugo Smith
18/9/2010 01:05:55 am

I don't really agree with you. I believe that the mother cuckoo leaves it's eggs because then they can learn from the other mother things like flying and hunting. Also, it is possible that the mother cuckoo leaves its kids to go off and die, or to breed with another male cuckoo to start the start the cycle again.

The egg-swapping also insures that the mother is well fed for the next night or two, and maybe the mother eats the eggs the baby cuckoo throws out. The egg-swapping is like the arctic fox's camouflage because the egg looks almost exactly the same to the other eggs.

Jojo Kerins
18/9/2010 04:06:35 am

The Arctic Fox camouflages with its surroundings just like the Cuckoo bird camouflaged its egg to look like the other bird's. The Cuckoo also gets rid of the egg she is planning to replace with hers. When the Cuckoo hatches (even though its blind) its decides that it will get rid of the rest of the other birds eggs, increasing its chance of survival just like the Arctic Fox and its ability to blend in.

When the Cuckoo gets to big for the nest, it starts to mimic the sound of one of the other bird's babies. It does this so that other birds will feed it.

Ryan Wooldridge
18/9/2010 05:20:08 am

I believe that the adaptation of the Cuckoo bird works the same way as the Arctic Fox because they both use camouflage for survival. The camouflage of the eggs of the Cuckoo bird helps the way they live for example the other mother birds do not notice the difference of the eggs so they continue to nest. The camouflage of the Arctic Fox helps the way it lives for example so it can hunt and hide better in their environment. That is why the adaptations are similar.

Jewel Hector
19/9/2010 01:11:07 am

I think that the cuckoo birds get fat so that it takes up the entire nest to protect their babies. They also use camouflage, just like the arctic foxes,
to protect themselves and their young.
Those are the similar adaptions between the two animals.

Gaby Gordon-Fox
19/9/2010 10:12:24 am

Even before the baby Cuckoo bird is born the egg is camouflaged amongst the Reed Warbler's eggs. When it gets a bit older the Cuckoo chick is able to mimic a sound that the Reed Warbler finds irresistible and so continues to feed the Cuckoo chick despite it being double it’s size. The Arctic fox in a similar way has found two different ways to camouflage itself, in order to survive in its natural habitat.

Mr. Erdosy
19/9/2010 11:49:25 am

Wow, Excellent, thoughtful comments from everyone. I think the Cuckoo is an incredible example of an animal that has evolved a way to exploit the instincts of other animals. In doing this, the Cuckoo saves a great deal or energy because caring for baby birds is an incredibly energy-expensive thing to do.
There are many other incredible examples of strategies that animals and plants have evolved to give them an edge in the struggle for survival. We will look at them in detail once we start discussing evolution...

Zanti :) :)
20/9/2010 06:16:54 am

Samuel Riegels
20/9/2010 06:26:26 am

It works the same way because they camoflage themselves like the reeds. They won't be seen by the bird who made that nest so it won't know that it has an extra egg in it's nest. If the mother bird of the nest kicks the cuckoo bird's egg out then the mother cuckoo bird will come back an kill the eggs that belong in the nest.

Zanti:) :)
20/9/2010 06:31:24 am

I think that the Cuckoo bird tricks the other bird that they want have bring up their egg, because they do not want to have to get all the food for the baby. Also it is a good idea... getting an egg to look like an other birds! It is very good camouflage! But I do think that it is unfair that the bird the Cuckoo bird leaves the egg with has to loose their eggs!!!

mikey o'connell
20/9/2010 08:49:24 am

wow this bird is super intelligent if it is already camouflaged before it's even born and as only a two week bird it's learned to copy the voice of a red warbler!! I also agree with Zanti that wouldnt very nice not knowin your own mother!!!

22/9/2010 07:10:16 am

I think they are the same in the way that the Arctic Fox uses camouflage to survive and the Cuckoo uses camouflage to help their young survive. Although it's mean, the Cuckoo bird is extremely smart to find a bird that it's eggs are similar too and be able to trick them like that and also when they use their tweeting that the Reed Warbler finds irresistible so that they get fed by the mother. I think they both have good survival plans to live in the wild.

jaden chalwell
22/9/2010 09:52:13 am

I think they have the same in comin becouse camoflage to protech the youg and or very smart birds and there mother feds the young

Emily Abrehart
23/9/2010 06:10:28 am

I think they are like each other because they both camoflauge, hunt and feed the same way. They also have a difference, the cuckoo calls to get food but the foxes have to hunt and capture they're prey.

jude kinkead
23/9/2010 08:16:14 am

I think the cuckoo birds have a very clever way of dealing with there young because the mother cuckoo bird knows that her baby will be cared for all its life.They are like the arctic fox because they have both adapted to the environment around them.

Rikkoi Brathwaite
25/9/2010 07:44:11 am

The cuckoo bird is like the arctic fox because they both use camoflauge as a way of survival. The arctic fox uses it to save itself and the cuckoo bird uses it to save its young by leaving its egg in the nest of another bird to hatch without the other bird recognising it since the cuckoo bird's egg is the same colour as the other bird.

Anya Rhoden
26/9/2010 05:21:55 am

I agree with you Jojo and Rikkoi the cuckoo bird IS like the fox because both of them DO use camouflage as a way of survival. I especially agree with Rikkoi I was thinking the same thing. Good job everyone!


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