Inspired by one of the most underrated contributors in the quest for understanding our Universe and the betterment of humankind, T-Pain.
So...What is Science?  What does Science allow us to do?  Why should we do Science?
Hugo Smith
3/9/2010 05:35:34 am

I believe that science is seeing, but seeing more than the naked eye can see. It is undersanding, discovering alternating nate and our universe.
Science allows us to change ourselves and nature, tofigure out how things work. It allows us to discover, and to prove differences among similar things. I think we do science to rach out our knoledge, to understand nature, and to go to unthinably impossible places-even those not of this planet. It also allows us to create our own pefect world...or destroy it.

Jewel Hector
3/9/2010 08:12:46 am

I say that science is more like seeing the world from a different perspective, and knowing how all living and non-living things work. Science enables us to see things we don't see every day. We do science to build up on the vas knowledge that we have now about life as we know it. Like said in the video "science is the poetry of reality." I believe that means, that like a poem science is beautiful. The part of this video that stood out to me as what we can use science for was when "Sagan" said "we can do science and with it improve our lives." I completely agree with Hugo and Sagan both.

Jude Kinkead
4/9/2010 12:17:52 am

I think science is the study of all living things and the physical world around us. Science allows us to push the boundaries of our knowledge. It allows us to make more effective medicines. It reveals the past to us, and predicts the future. Science can improve our health, environment and day to day existence - that is why we do science.

Gaby Gordon-Fox
4/9/2010 12:41:40 am

I completly agree with Jude Jewel and Hugo. I think that science can allow humans to discover amazing new things that they would not know anything about without science. I agree with all those scientists but mostly Neil Tyson who said "if your scientificaly litarite the world looks very different to you, and that understanding empowers you." and i also agree with Jill Tarter who said "the story of humans is the story of ideas, that shine light into dark corners." I also think that science should be used to make a better future and to improve technology and human knowledge not to destroy it.

4/9/2010 01:44:18 am

I agree with you all science science can help us with alot of things E.G we can now add trees with wheat now! jill tarter says "the story of humans is the story of ideas, that shines in dark corners." I agree i mean cavemen and peaple can tell stories about history.
I think science can defently help anyone if you put youre mind to it you can do almost anything.

Alex Dabbs
4/9/2010 01:57:31 am

I agree with Jude, Hugo, Jewel and Gaby as well but science is a great thing but it can be destuctive like making a glow in the dark cat could distoy a species of animals. Science allows us to do things we never thought we could do and if we didn't know about science we would not know about diseases like diabetes.

Kerstin Gordon
4/9/2010 10:34:51 am

Science allows us to think beyond things that we never though before,it allows us to build places never imaginable and also build a better life right here on earth.We should make science a part of everyday life no matter what your profession is weather or not your a scientist.Science to me is a whole different world of life.You can build things up or break them down in your own way and at your own time and pace.Science is like reading a book you sometimes can predict whats going to happen but most times you can't.Also science has many different perspectives on different things.

Jojo Kerins
4/9/2010 10:01:53 pm

I think science is the study of the unknown. It makes us understand the world better and look at it in an different way. We use it to take what we know and with it move towards what we don't know. Science takes us away from what we think we believe in, to what is really true because facts in science are proven. Science improves our lives by giving us better ways to do things, like medicine and wind farms. Science can also make our lives harder. For example, the nuclear bomb. In other words, with great power comes great responsibility. I think we should do science to improve our lives and the planet, by curing diseases and by inventing alternative energy source.

Anya Rhoden
4/9/2010 10:18:32 pm

Science to me is studying and discovering what is unknown and improving on the unknown.Science is studied through observation and experiment. Science allows us to discover the things we want to know, improve on things we want to improve on and have a better understanding on how the world works. I think we should do science because it will help us by developing our lives.

Emily Abrehart
5/9/2010 12:21:01 am

I agree with everyone. I think science is about nature, animals and things around us but just looking at it from a different perspective and learning more things about our planet and planets around us.(which is amazing).
We should do science for every reason.

Zanti Dick-Read
6/9/2010 06:45:38 am

I think that science is like everybody has said nature or everthing. Science is an amazing thing that helps humans improve thier life. Science is how the world works! It helps us understand the world. We should continue to use science to make life more amazing. Humans have used science to discover things undiscovered for many years. Whithout sience the would be very little things in the World!

Samuel Riegels
6/9/2010 06:55:25 am

Science is people going out and learning new things. Investigating the unknown and discovering new and surprising things that we have no idea about. Science allows us to learn new things so we can make our lives better. We should study science because we can learn more about the universe the we live in.

Mikey O'Connell
6/9/2010 07:36:16 am

I think everyone of these answers are correct but in my opinion science is not just away of seeing differently but also living in a complete different universe where we keep constantly discovering new things. We will never understand some things but it will always be fun for scientists everywhere!Science allows us to go further into the planet and farther away from the planet! We should do science not because we have to but because we want to and also to explore the unknown!Thanks Mr.Erdosy for the video really cool!

julia P
6/9/2010 09:56:00 am

I think science is like thinking way, way out side the box, its like thoughts beyond our thoughts. Science allows us to explore nature and other things round us in more depth. I think we should do science because it allows us to stretch our minds and think bigger than we ever have.

Sophie Nicholas :)
6/9/2010 09:58:34 am

I think science is a strategy we use and rely on to help us understand what we do wrong and what we do right it also protects use from what may or may not happen like the sun crashing into the sun or some thing like that. Science is every thing we discover,its is a way of getting around life and with out science we would be nowhere. Science allows us to see and improve the future and makes us more aware of the world today. We need science to find new species that may be out there and planets that are undiscovered witch could have life on them! Also without it we wouldn't have light bulbs or electricity or even food people should also probably do science because we the scientists now a days pass away who will so... us

THATS ALL :) :) :P :P


Sophie Nicholas :)
6/9/2010 10:03:41 am

That last sentence i meant...

When the scientists now a days pass away who will take it on... us

Tiara Jones
8/9/2010 06:28:50 am

I think science is something we rely on. science helps us rethink things that has happened like going back in time and try to change it science can help us to that but a time traveling machine hasn't been invented yet but science can be what ever you want it to be. science allows us to do whatever with science we dis cover new things around us. I think we should do science because it helps us we cant do without it actually science helps us go over the top with things well thts it peopless im done and also it think everyones is correct

Ryan Wooldridge
9/9/2010 09:49:41 am

I think science is seeing the world in a different vision, a vision were we can look into our wonderful world and see the past present and maybe even the future. Science is like google, we search for something and then we discover what we were searching for. Science science is the key to discovering new ways to help our environment. Science make the impossible possible. I believe that science is one of the most important things in this galaxy. science has helped us with our heath our environment and most important our life. Science has changed our world and the way we live. I think that in our world science is the thing that keeps us running.

I think that science keeps the world spinning.

(I agree with everyone and i loved the movie.)

Kai Chalwell
9/9/2010 10:10:52 am

Hola Grade 6 scientists! I think it seems that science is some peoples life in this video! Without science we wouldnt be using our cell phones, typing this comment, watching tv, curing diseases, exploring galaxies, discovering amazing facts about our ancestors plus many more things. Science warns us through research about how to take care of ourselves and our environment. There is still alot of things left undiscovered for scientists to work on that will make our future better.


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